I am currently an Associate Professor of Statistics at Maynooth University. I hold a BSc in Biology and an MSc and PhD in Statistics from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

The photo above was taken on my wedding day. I like it because (1) it was a fantastic and unforgettable day, and (2) it is one of the few headshots I have where I actually look reasonably ok.

Read a bit about my career in this article from the Irish Times.


My research interests include the development and application of statistical modelling techniques to Ecology, Wildlife Management, and Agriculture. I am also interested in the computational implementation of statistical models, especially as R code. See the Research page for more.

I have founded, in 2021, the Theoretical and Statistical Ecology Research Group. The objective of the group is to bring together a community of researchers who use mathematical and statistical tools to better understand the natural world.

Musical Statistics

I am very passionate about Statistics Education and Maths/Stats outreach. I have been creating parodies of known songs to teach statistics, and have produced music videos for them.

You can watch the 10-song suite titled the Summary Song Saga here.

See the Stats Ed page for more.


In my spare time, I enjoy watching, learning and performing magic tricks, and writing, recording and playing music.

I have recently recorded an album titled ‘Arctic Fox’. It’s available on Spotify, click here if you want to have a listen.

Last, but not least, I thoroughly enjoy playing with my dogs and my daughters! (Yes, I used to have 2 dogs, 2 rabbits and a goldfish. We have recently rehomed our rabbits, and… I accidentally overfed the goldfish…).


Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Maynooth University

Maynooth, Co. Kildare
